Short read quality and trimming

Log into the HPC with SSH; use your MSU NetID and log into the machine ‘’. There copy/paste:

module load powertools
getexample RNAseq-model

and you should see something about linking.

0. Getting the data

We’ll be using a few RNAseq data sets from Fagerberg et al., Analysis of the Human Tissue-specific Expression by Genome-wide Integration of Transcriptomics and Antibody-based Proteomics.

You can get this data from the European Nucleotide Archive under ERP003613 – go to to see all the samples.

I picked two samples: salivary gland and lung. Note that each sample has two replicates, and each replicate has two files.

Don’t download them, but if you were downloading these yourself, you would want the “Fastq files (ftp)”, both File 1 and File 2. (They take a few hours to download!)

We’ve already loaded the data onto the MSU HPC, and you’ve loaded it with ‘module load powertools’.

To log into a compute node, type:


If this doesn’t work, do:

ssh dev-intel14-phi

Now do:

ls -la ~/RNAseq-model/data/

You’ll see something like

-r--r--r-- 1 mscholz common-data 3714262571 Dec  4 08:44 ERR315325_1.fastq
-r--r--r-- 1 mscholz common-data 3714262571 Dec  4 08:44 ERR315325_2.fastq
-r--r--r-- 1 mscholz common-data 2365633645 Dec  4 08:44 ERR315326_1.fastq
-r--r--r-- 1 mscholz common-data 2365633645 Dec  4 08:44 ERR315326_2.fastq

which tells you that this file is 900,000,000 bytes or about 900 MB. Quite large!

1. Copying in some data to work with.

First, make a directory:

mkdir ~/rnaseq
cd ~/rnaseq

Copy in a subset of the data (100,000 reads):

head -400000 ~/RNAseq-model/data/ERR315325_1.fastq | gzip > salivary_repl1_R1.fq.gz
head -400000 ~/RNAseq-model/data/ERR315325_2.fastq | gzip > salivary_repl1_R2.fq.gz

These are FASTQ files – let’s take a look:

less salivary_repl1_R1.fq.gz

(type ‘q’ to exit less)


  • why are some files named ERR*?
  • why are some files named salivary*?
  • why is there R1 and R2 in the name?


2. FastQC

We’re going to use FastQC to summarize the data.

First, we need to load the FastQC software into our account:

module load FastQC/0.11.2

(You have to do this each time you log in and want to use FastQC.)

Now, run FastQC on both of the salivary gland files:

fastqc salivary_repl1_R1.fq.gz
fastqc salivary_repl1_R2.fq.gz

Now type ‘ls’:


and you will see


Copy these to your laptop and open them in a browser. If you’re on a Mac or Linux machine, you can type:

scp*fastqc.* /tmp

and then open the html files in your browser. For Windows, we’ll figure it out ;).

You can also view my versions: salivary_repl1_R1_fastqc.html and salivary_repl1_R2_fastqc.html


  • What should you pay attention to in the FastQC report?
  • Which is “better”, R1 or R2?


3. Trimmomatic

Now we’re going to do some trimming! We’ll be using Trimmomatic. For a discussion of optimal RNAseq trimming strategies, see MacManes, 2014.

First, load the Trimmomatic software:

module load Trimmomatic/0.32

Next, run Trimmomatic:

java -jar $TRIM/trimmomatic PE salivary_repl1_R1.fq.gz salivary_repl1_R2.fq.gz\
     salivary_repl1_R1.qc.fq.gz s1_se salivary_repl1_R2.qc.fq.gz s2_se \
     ILLUMINACLIP:$TRIM/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:40:15 \

You should see output that looks like this:

Input Read Pairs: 100000 Both Surviving: 95236 (95.24%) Forward Only Surviving: 4764 (4.76%) Reverse Only Surviving: 0 (0.00%) Dropped: 0 (0.00%)
TrimmomaticPE: Completed successfully


  • How do you figure out what the parameters mean?
  • How do you figure out what parameters to use?
  • What adapters do you use?
  • What version of Trimmomatic are we using here? (And FastQC?)
  • Are parameters different for RNAseq and genomic?
  • What’s with these annoyingly long and complicated filenames?
  • What do we do with the single-ended files (s1_se and s2_se?)


4. FastQC again

Run FastQC again:

fastqc salivary_repl1_R1.qc.fq.gz
fastqc salivary_repl1_R2.qc.fq.gz

(Note that you don’t need to load the module again.)

Copy them to your laptop and open them, OR you can view mine: salivary_repl1_R1.qc_fastqc.html and salivary_repl1_R2.qc_fastqc.html

Let’s take a look at the output files:

less salivary_repl1_R1.qc.fq.gz

(again, use ‘q’ to exit less).


  • Why are some of the reads shorter than others?
  • is the quality trimmed data “better” than before?
  • Does it matter that you still have adapters!?

Next: Mapping reads to the transcriptome with TopHat

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